Monday, February 23, 2009

Love-Hate Relationship

Since the day David came home from the hospital there has been a love-hate relationship between him and our dog Bailey. We did all the preparations to ease the transition of bringing a baby home; Daddy brought home his receiving blanket so that she could get used to his smell, etc. She was so good with him at first. She loved giving him kisses and checking in on him when he was sleeping in his papasan chair. Eventually the jealousy started to kick in. She has since been very scared of the baby and wants nothing to do with him. She will rarely even be caught in the same room as the baby. Over the past few weeks things have started to change. Bailey is getting more comfortable around David and starting to form more of a love relationship with him....of course he is helping mend the friendship....

We truly believe this is the start of a long lasting bond and eventually they will be inseperable!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Little Gym

We joined for a semester at The Little Gym in Katy. David is enrolled in the Birds class which we started yesterday. He is one of the youngest in the class, but he really seemed to enjoy it. We had such a great time watching him get excited during all the activities. Because he is at home during the week with our Nanny he really has not had the opportunity for much child to child interaction until now. We cannot wait to continue with our classes to see how he progresses! Here are a few pictures from our first Birds class.

Getting Ready for Warm-ups

Practicing Walking


Proud of himself for his climbing efforts

Swinging on the bars....such a little gymnast!

Yaaaaayy!!! (his new favorite thing to say when he gets excited)

Showing off his stamp for being such a great participant at his first day in the Birds class at The Little Gym.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Cancun 2009

Okay, I know it has been a little while since we have blogged but honestly it is because things have been hectic around here in preparation for our trip to Cancun, Mexico for Daddy's contest trip. It all began last Saturday when we had to pack up David, Bailey (our dog) and Charlie (our cat) and head to Austin so that Grandma and Grandpa could watch them while Mommy and Daddy celebrated in Mexico (I think we all figured out that it will be easier on everyone if Grandma makes the trip to Houston next time). was a lot of work getting us there and back, but well worth it. Thank you SO much Grandma and Grandpa for watching David and the animals while we were gone; we know it was exhausting!

We are so very proud of you Daddy and your success in 2008!! Here are a few pictures of our trip;

Sunday 02/08/2009: Destination-Cancun, Mexico

View from our room

At the Company's Winners Circle 2009 dinner

Monday 02/09/2009- Day at the Beach
Just a few snap shots of our day lounging by the pool. We enjoyed basking in the sun, however it was extremely windy and very cool at times. Not the perfect beach weather, but we made due.

What I spent most of my day doing.
Dave, Matt Scott and John Volpe hanging at the pool.

Houston boys having a good ole time late afternoon at the pool.

That night Dave and I enjoyed dinner with just the two of us. We don't get the time often so we decided we would take advantage of just one night out alone.

Tuesday 02/10/2009-Couples Night

On Tuesday the boys went golfing, while many of us wives enjoyed spa services. I went with a facial and then went for more basking in the sun. That night we all enjoyed another great dinner at a restaurant called Harry's. We ended the night with a little dancing at a club called Bling. It was good times, but we are getting old...I think we only stayed there for 45 minutes.

Wednesday 02/11/2009: Houston's Winner Circle 2009

Dave and I enjoyed massages Wednesday morning and then once again spent our afternoon basking in the sun. We are really not ones for excursions-just relaxation. We had his Houston dinner that evening and we were able to finally get some pictures of the Houston contest winners together and the wives who support them in all their efforts :)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Rise and Shine

Look what we having been waking up to these days. Doesn't it just melt your heart? I cannot believe how big he is getting. I guess it's time to take down his mobile and move the camera for the monitor out of reach! More big boy updates to come soon....