Sunday, November 1, 2009

halloween 2oo9

since the day the costume arrived we were worried whether or not he would wear it; partly because when we first put it on he cried. so here, along with other pictures from our evening, is......

david the pony!

ready for trick or treating...the sucker was a life savor because he was a little cranky (thanks leah)

practicing at home first. earlier we let him pick out a piece of candy while we were attempting to teach him the concept. he picked out a kit kat and ever since that is the only thing he will take out of the candy basket!

"peese, peese, peese dada" we are hearing this a lot around here these least he says please, right??

trick or treating with dada. we only stopped by a few neighbors houses so that he could show off his costume. he was not fond of waiting at peoples door steps. just like everything else he would rather be running/wandering off somewhere, typical toddler!

wrapping up the evening with mama. time to go home and get bathed and in bed so that mommy and daddy could watch the longhorn game.

too funny not to post! i'm not sure what was going on here, but i am guessing he was excited about something.

my sweet baby boy, or should i say big boy. happy halloween!!!


Rob and Leah said...

What a cute horse! Love the pjs too.

Aaron, Claire and baby Avery said...

He is just so cute! I love the pony outfit :o) I hope you guys have a wondeful Thanksgiving!