Monday, December 21, 2009

'tis the season

It's officially the week of Christmas and we are ready! We got the presents under the tree last night...just in time to pack them up in two days for our trip to Austin! Although our visit with Santa did not go so well, David is loving the Christmas decorations and is definitely in the spirit. He will turn 21 months this week and I thought I would post the top 10 favorite holiday memories thus far!

1. Every morning when we come downstairs he runs to the 'kismas tee" and trys to plug in the lights, with mommy's assistance of course!

2. We had our outdoor lights installed before Thanksgiving and he was extremely involved in the process. He monitored every move those men made on top of our roof and learned within five minutes that they were putting up "ights." Now every time we are outside he points to the house and says "ights"

3. The infamous line from our Santa visit "Ma' works best if you drop the child and run!"

4. Oh the cookies....we made Russian tea balls and peanut butter kiss cookies a week ago ( He likes the powdered sugar on the tea balls, but will not actually try my peanut butter cookies, so we are going with the traditional sugar cookies with frosting and sprinkles this evening just for him...and maybe Santa!

5. You can't have cookies without milk!! That's right, at the end of this week we will be sans bottle for two whole weeks. You see, we had the baby-baba, big boy-sippy cup talk and he has done great! No throwing sippy cups, no screaming....he has only asked for his baba once and that was when he was overtired at lunch.

6. When you ask him what does santa say, he will reply "ho, ho, ho"

7. We have to read The Night Before Christmas to him at least 3 times a night because at the end of it he always says "agin"

8. His favorite Christmas song is Frosty. We sing it around the house and he will grab the snowman that sits on the bench in our entry way. I've been on the look out for when they would be airing Frosty on ABC, but somehow I think we missed it. He has had no interest in the traditional Christmas movies, but I thought that he may enjoy Frosty. Oh well, there is always next year.

9. We took him to the Kids Krazy Christmas Show at Second Baptist Church this past weekend. If you live in the Houston area with kiddos and have not been it is AMAZING. I was soooo worried that all he would want to do is run around, but he proved his mama wrong. He loved it!! Sat in our laps the whole time watching the puppets sing and dance. When they disappeared he would say "were de go?" It was truly fun for the whole family and cannot wait to see it again next year!

10. The presents have been under the tree for a day now, and although he does not have many under there for him just yet he knows which one is his and will not keep his itty bitty fingers off of it! I have a feeling Christmas morning is going to be unforgettable!

We hope that all of our friends and family have an unforgettable holiday as well!

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

The Wests said...

great picture with santa! merry christmas jen!