Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Z is for Zoo

Having learned from our past mistakes, we decided to beat the Texas heat and take our annual trip to the Houston zoo a few weekends back. We figured it would also be one our last chances to have a family adventure just the three of us, which we were right. It about sent mommy into labor and we have officially been told "no more" from our OB! The weather was perfect and David was excited to see the "jungle" as he calls it. When we arrived he was already on a mission to find the lions. He showed little interest in most of the other animals with exception of the monkeys. He was actually scared of several exhibits, including the reptiles and bears. This was surprising to us, but we moved along with no questions. Luckily the lions were out sunbathing/sleeping in the lawn so we got a good view, which was better than catching them during lunch time like last year...eww! We made it through the new African Safari exhibit and then reached our limit. David was exhausted and showed little interest in seeing any of the animals, so we headed toward the exit hitting up the aquarium on the way out to see "nemo and dori". Overall we had a great short trip to the zoo. I figure one day we will last more than two hours, but until then will only attempt this trip once a year, haha!

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