Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blood, Sweat and Tears

Is what our first few weeks of preschool have been like, minus the blood (at least for now)! Poor little guy is not adjusting to change very well. I knew this was not going to be easy, but never expected it to be this hard. We have yet to make it through a full day without any tears. I have been called twice by both preschool directors; First phone call led to me picking him up two hours early because he would not stop screaming and was having difficulty regrouping and settling down before nap. The second phone call led to some private negotiations between me and the little man over the phone...."David you go night-night on your nap mat and when you wake up mommy will be there to pick you up and we will go get ice cream." Needless to say that did the trick and it has become a reoccurring event everyday after school...thank goodness for berripop! His note this week said that he struggled coming in from the playground and the directors had to come help out (mommy interpretation- he threw a horrible blown out fit). Lets just say that we are all now on a first name basis at Grace Preschool! I just keep praying that this will get easier and that he will learn to love school. I know he is upset and misses his mommy, but I also believe that part of him is just trying to test his limits! He is too smart for his own good, which does not make many things in our life easy these days. The picture below is before his MadHatter Party at school; all the kids in his class got to wear hats for a day. He specifically picked out his Mickey visor and as his mommy I have to say he looked so handsome sporting it! Let's keep our fingers crossed that next month is easier...on both of us!


robby & amanda said...

aww im so sorry jennifer!! That has to be rough! I am not sure if I could have kept maddie in school knowing she was so upset every time. You are strong and thats the best thing for him! I will keep y'all in my prayers that he does better!

Trip and Nicole said...

WOW... he is so big! Such a big boy these days!

Unknown said...

What a handsome little man!! BTW, nice outfit!! :-) Miss ya'll so much!! xoxoxoxoxo