Thursday, September 9, 2010

First Day of School

Yesterday was David's first day of MDO. He is in the 2 year old class at our church and goes Monday and Wednesday. Unfortunately there were tears shed on both sides (I think I cried the better half of the morning). Thank goodness daddy was there to get us through it all. David's teacher said he did well with an occasional meltdown here and there. I was really worried he would loose it around nap time, but apparently he was one of the better ones. They said he struggled going down and got upset because of the other kids crying, but he did finally go to sleep. He was exhausted when I picked him up! His teachers report said;
"David had a GREAT day!! He really enjoyed playing with
friends and doing the numbers puzzle. He did so good showing me the numbers and
telling me what they were! David also enjoyed playing with a foam football!
Today was a great 1st day!"
So, based on that and the feedback they gave me I guess I can assume it went okay. My how I would love to be a fly on the wall to see what actually goes on, haha! The only thing he said when asked what he did at school today was "got diaper changed." Sounds eventful! Round two on Monday...we'll see how we do without daddy there.

Here he is supporting his back pack for almost a full minute. We were lucky to even get this picture because he does not want anything to do with it!

Running to his classroom.

Debating on whether or not he should go in.....

We can do this; piece of cake.

Maybe not....saying bye-bye. Thank goodness daddy didn't get a picture of us both in tears!

1 comment:

Trip and Nicole said...

what a big boy!!! Looks an awful lot like mommy these days!